Studio Legale BDL
Studio Legale BDL is composed of approximately fifteen lawyers, including several permanent of counsel, in addition to apprentice lawyers, administrative collaborators and secretarial staff.
The Firm has offices in Rome and Milan and maintains stable relationships with foreign law firms, in particular in France, Spain and the United States (East and West Coasts).
The Firm currently operates in Italian, English, French and Spanish.
Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, Firm lawyers are also members of administrative bodies and Supervisory Boards of renowned companies operating in the real estate, financial, insurance brokerage and sporting sectors.
The Firm’s Clients, both national and international, include medium to large-sized companies and credit institutions, and, traditionally, also Agencies and Public Authorities.
In particular, among the Clients are Italian and multinational companies which operate – also in a concession regime – in a variety of fields including the sectors of collective asset management, high technology and engineering, energy, infrastructure and transportation, communication, financial leasing, tourism and hotels, construction, pharmaceutical and sports.
The Firm regularly assists its clients in court actions, arbitrations, and extra-judicial settlements, in all the main areas of law.
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